These past few days have been such a roller coaster ride of emotions! On the one hand, I am still in a state of shock that we have had the tremendous Zechut of making Aliya. On the other hand, I lay awake at night thinking about how much there is to do (and, of course to find a JOB!) that it fills me with a large amount of anxiety. Andy and I sat and reviewed all that we need to do so that it would make things (hopefully) go smoother.
Not sure where to begin about all that has been going on, but let me begin on a terribly sad note. As most of you know, Mrs. Miriam (Mimi) Isenberg passed away this week. I attended the funeral in Bet Shemesh with no less than 300 people, MOST of whom were from Chicago and had made Aliya or who were just in town. It was such a sad event. The mixed emotions for ME were the fact that I was seeing so many people whom I had wanted to see…EVENTUALLY…but was seeing them only 36 hours after arriving in this set of circumstances.
Things we have been doing and in no random order: Had to go to the Post Office to get our insurance documentation approved to bring to the insurance company. The financial calculation as to the savings in health insurance alone is staggering when compared to the USA…About $6.00 (that was not a typo!) for my annual coverage vs over $10,000 for the year. The coverage will increase if we get a higher level of coverage but, for now, such a deal!
We got the keys to our house and walked around in almost a dream looking at what is now officially OUR home here (although we are not in it yet).
We made the arrangements for our lift to be delivered next week on Wednesday (came in SOOO fast!), our sinks and vanities for the bathrooms to be installed, the appliances to be delivered, the gas to be turned on, and the list goes on and on.
This coming week will be chock full as well…first to the bank to get the paperwork to give Misrad Haklitah (Ministry of Absorption) to enable our monthly payments (‘free” money for making Aliya), then to Nefesh B’Nefesh to get our Teudat Zehut (Identity Cards) something with which we cannot do anything without. That is going to be a very exciting moment…!! Then to off to Misrad Haklitah to do all the miscellaneous things we have to do there. In the meantime, Andy will be at the house to see if various companies who promised to be there for the above-mentioned installations will actually show up!
Other things: I had mentioned that I was interviewed the other day but there have been a number of other things like that that have been happening…my picture with me literally laying on the ground as we landed was in the Jerusalem Post. My picture was there again the next day as I was hugging my daughter, Eliana. I was interviewed on Israel radio (in Ivrit) and had an interview printed in B’Sheva which was also done in Ivrit. I will post any links to these pics and or interviews as soon as I find them. I also will post video/pics as soon as I can of our arrival.
On a personal note…while living OUTSIDE of Israel, I never wore my tzitzit out as I never felt comfortable doing that. However, I had decided a long time ago that once I moved home, I would feel more comfortable doing that and would do so when I landed. I kept my word to myself and I am glad I did. It feels natural.
Shiva Asar B’Tammuz…davening about the tragedies that occurred in Yerushalayim and LOOKING at Yerushalayim from the bet Kenesset. How wonderful is that…made all the Tefillot “feel” differently.
I know there is more…but time to hit the hay. Just broke my fast and those in Chicago have 8 more hours to go…sorry, couldn’t resist! We ate with our hosts (the Goldenbergs who have been phenomenal hosts!!!) and had a nice quiet evening.
Oh, one last thing…from the list of “firsts”…Andy did her first load of laundry and hung it on the line to dry. What a difference…!