
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WOW, What a Day!

So, today did not look like it would necessarily be anything special. I had a relatively quiet day planned with not too much in the way of hassle of headaches. Then, from the moment I woke up until now (7:40pm on Monday), there have been a whole series of things that have happened!

1. Tofes-4: In Israel, when there is new construction, prior to the builder being able to turn over the keys to the new owners, the Municipality that governs that area must sign off on it indicating that they have met codes for building etc. In the USA, this would be the Certificate of Occupancy. In Israel, this document is the Tofes-4 (Tofes-Arba). Even if the builder had done everything and I wanted to take possession, I could not without that last hurdle. This morning, I received word from our (outstanding!!) lawyer that indeed we had received the Tofes-4 and were ready for the last walk-through and eventual key handover. It was a moment I will not soon forget!

2. Ida Crown Jewish Academy: Today, we had our End-of-Year meeting of the faculty and staff. I have been teaching at ICJA for five years. At the end of the meeting, I turned in my grades, my gradebook and my key for the last time. My tenure as teacher at ICJA came to an end today. As I walked out the building, I must say it was a feeling of sadness and emptiness that filled my entire being. I had the zechut of teaching MANY students there, and I will ALWAYS fondly remember my days engaged in the Chinuch of the next geneneration of leaders...and believe me when I say that there were MANY candidates that fit the bill of "next generation of leaders."

3. Chicago Rabbinical Council: I have had the fortune of being a member of the cRc for ten years. During that time, I have had the zechut of serving as Secretary, VP, President and Chairman of the Executive. Tonight, with the new election of officers, I was (for the first time in seven years!) not on the slate in some capacity. It was my last "official" meeting at an organization that has become an integral part of my life. I will miss the various committees, meetings and camaraderie that those meetings engendered. I will remain a member, albeit from afar.

4. NBN and JAFI Papers Complete! I received an official notification letter that I and my family have completed all of the necessary documents and supporting documents for the flight, the free ride to our final destination and to be considered "ready" (at least as far as the paperwork) to make Aliya!

5. Cell Phones: Prior to making Aliya, we are renting cell phones so we will be able to communicate with each other and the myriad of agencies we will need to be in touch with once we land. (After a period of settling in, we will find the best deal for our needs). I received the cell numbers today (to be given out VERY judiciously over the next 3 or 4 weeks!). So wonderful to now know our address and our cell phone number (at least for the short term).

Not bad for a "day's work." Don't know how I will top that tomorrow...stay tuned!

It is now 19 days, 13 hours and 34 minutes until we leave Chicago. TICK...TICK...TICK!!!!!!!